In the application,, the term "property" refers to an individual characteristic or attribute of your product. Your product may have a few or dozens of properties that you monitor and consider important.
Properties are categorized into several types:
- Number
- Text
- Boolean
- Date
Properties can be part of the calculation for the Fit Score or Engagement Score, or simply be a metric you want to track for your product. You can find all your properties in the application under the section Settings->Properties Management in a table that looks as follows.

You can easily add a new property by clicking the "Create new property" button and filling out a form.

In the form, you fill in the name of the property, which must be unique within your account. The "codename" field, which is used to connect the property within the API, is pre-filled automatically but can be further edited. You can also fill in the "description" field, and it is mandatory to specify the type of property. Select the property type based on the format of the values for that property.
Properties can also be created during data import from a file. Additionally, you can freely edit or delete a property by clicking on the three-dot icon next to the property in the table.